A Snapshot of STREAMin3

An innovative, engaging, and interactions-based curriculum model for children ages birth through preschool.

Skills that prepare children for success in kindergarten and beyond

Two cards highlighting the six STREAM skills (science, technology, reading, engineering, art, and math) as well as five core skills (relate, regulate, think, communicate, and move)

STREAMin3 includes:

A Focus on Interactions

Daily activities, routines, and games maximize teacher-child and peer interactions.

Coaching & PD

Individualized coaching and professional development (PD) align to the curriculum.

Observation & Assessment

Observation and assessment tools help inform teaching and implementation.

We piloted our curriculum in over 100 classrooms in Virginia


private and faith-based early childhood education classrooms Across VA

Funded by the Virginia Department of Social Services


state- or federally funded classrooms in WESTERn tidewater

Funded by the Obici Healthcare Foundation


state-funded classrooms in Covington and Alleghany, Virginia

Funded by the Alleghany Foundation

STREAMin3 empowers teachers, leaders, children, and families to be active agents in their own teaching and learning.

A coach talking with with two teachers.

For Teachers and Leaders

STREAMin3 supports intentionality across the day, integration of learning domains, as well as communication and collaboration.

A young girl in the hallway trying to balance a ball.

For Children

STREAMin3 supports active engagement, curiosity and problem solving, and direct experiences.

Woman and boy in preschool classroom play with stacking blocks

For Families

STREAMin3 supports consistent and informative communication with teachers, as well as aligned resources.

The STREAMin3 curriculum model was developed by our team at the Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) at UVA in partnership with and funding from E3: Elevate Early Education, as well as through initial implementation within The New E3 School in collaboration with their teachers and leaders.